Refurbish Your Old Culinary Items Into Cute Kitchen Kitsch
If you come across any old utensils or culinary tools that you no longer use, why not transform them into something unique and decorative for your new kitchen? These kitschy crafts will bring a personal touch to your new home.
Refurbish some of the following utensils in some clever ways:
Metal funnels. Transform metal funnels into chic candle-holders by inverting them and positioning them on a mirrored platter or tile. Use flameless candles or tapers that fit down into the spigot of each funnel.
Tea-cups. Use tea cups mounted on stakes as bird feeders that you place just outside your kitchen window. You can look out and see your old or damaged china, as birds visit and nosh on seed.
Kitchen whisks. Kitchen whisks bring a culinary touch to your kitchen interiors when you suspend them from the handle, on clear fishing line or wire, and place flameless tea lights inside the whisking-end. A votive-sized candle or tea light will easily nest inside the whisk.
Rolling pins. Tie rolling pins by their handles from rope or twine, and use in the kitchen to hang towels or dish-wipers. You can tie two or three rolling pins together to create several spaces to hang your towels.
Food graters. Mount metal food graters to a cutting board or piece of wood and place candles inside. The glow through the grates will bring a warm illumination to your cozy kitchen.
An umbrella. Enjoy fresh flowers? The next time you bring home a bouquet of cut flowers, use an old umbrella to contain them instead of a vase. Leave the umbrella unopened, and tuck a piece of floral foam- soaked in water- down inside the umbrella. Poke floral stems into the foam to secure and hang the umbrella from the handle on a door or hook in your kitchen.
Cutting-boards. If you have a cutting board hanging around that you don't use anymore, consider refurbishing it into a clever storage spot for utensils. Simply glue or staple a piece of fabric that is cut to fit the board, creating a pocket. Slide spoons, cutlery, or other kitchen tools inside and hang the cutting board in your kitchen.
Outdoor spigots. If you have any plumbing work done, save the old pipe pieces and spigots. The spigots make an excellent base for a small task light, that can be mounted on a pedestal or against a wall. There are some easy-to-follow tutorials found online.
The next time you clean out your kitchen cabinets, set aside old utensils and culinary tools for these kitchen projects. Make yourself at home in your new digs with these quaint and easy crafting ideas and decor options. Enjoy giving these ordinary items an extraordinary makeover and second life in your new place!