4 Things To Do Before You List Your Home For Sale
Making the decision to put your home on the market and move can cause an immediate sense of panic. How do you know that you're doing everything right? Is there anything that you can do to ensure that the selling process goes as flawlessly as possible? Here, you'll find a few tips to help you prepare to list your home for sale.
Have a Home Inspection Completed
One thing that every buyer should do is have a home inspection done on the home. Many lenders require home inspections before a mortgage will be approved, so to ensure that you don't run into any unwanted problems, have the home inspection done before you even list your home. If anything does come up during the inspection, you'll have plenty of time to get the work done to find a solution or make the repairs. Contact a company like Master Home & Building Inspectors and Environment Testing Consultants, LLC for more information.
Work With an Agent
Some people are set against working with a real estate agent to sell their homes. This is a mistake because not only is that agent working with you to sell your home, he or she is also working with other people to find them the perfect home. When the agent creates your listing, they will tell their potential buyers about their newest listing and make the arrangements for showing the house.
Hiring an agent may take a bit of your money in the end, but it could really make things much easier for you in a tough market.
Stage the Home
Get some of your personal stuff out of the house so that potential buyers can see the house itself — not your stuff. Rent a portable storage container to have delivered to your home and dropped off in the driveway — you can then work at your own pace to remove some of the unnecessary stuff that's all through your home. Before your real estate listing goes live, make sure that you have the container picked up and stored in the facility or delivered to your new home.
Share the Listing
There are so many online resources that make it possible to advertise your home for sale for free. Websites like Craigslist and social media sites make it easy to share listings that can be shared again and again. It won't take long to get lots of eyes on your home.
Take your time as you prepare. The more time you put into preparation now, the less you'll have to do later.