
I have always loved gardening, but a few years ago I realized that my garden needed a little tender loving care. I started focusing on perfecting my techniques and making the area stand out, and it was a lot of work. Before I knew it, I was adding a lovely pergola to part of the yard along with a nice play area for the kids, and it was really interesting to see how things were coming along. I wanted to create this blog to inspire other people to make their land more beautiful. Check it out for great information that could help you.

Give Your Home That Farmhouse Feel

22 February 2019
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

The farmhouse look continues to enthrall many homeowners who want their home to be a cozy refuge from the busy, harsh world. This wood-and-fabric design style is fairly easy to accomplish, though you may need to remodel to some extent if you really want to have a whole-house look. You can start with a few classic pieces and increase what you have in later months. Wooden Chandeliers While there's nothing that says a farmhouse couldn't have a crystal chandelier, if you want to stick to the concept of homey, rustic, possibly-DIY fixtures, you need a wooden chandelier. Read More …

3 Reasons to Invest in Regular Professional Landscape Maintenance

9 January 2019
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you haven't yet hired a landscaper to take care of your home's yard, now is just as good a time as any to consider doing so. Here are just a few important reasons to consider working with a landscaper throughout the coming years: Save Some Time and Money One great reason to invest in regular professional landscape maintenance is to save yourself some time and money in the coming years. Read More …

Ways You Abuse Your Air Conditioner And How To Avoid Them

30 November 2018
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Even if the summer is coming to an end or spring is just beginning, your air conditioner is a unit you rely on to keep your home comfortable. Your AC unit should be taken care of properly so you have ample cool air whenever you want it. Without an air conditioner, your house will heat up quickly, especially if you have a poorly insulated home or you live in a really hot area. Read More …

Ready To Reupholster Your Favorite Chair? 3 Options To Consider

22 October 2018
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

It seems everyone has a favorite chair that they enjoy sitting in while watching TV or reading. Over time, dirt, dust, food particles, skin cells, and other debris will build up in the upholstery, negatively affecting the way it looks, feels, and smells. Thankfully, help is available if you are ready to reupholster that favorite piece of furniture. Here are a few durable and attractive fabric options to consider. Microfiber Read More …

Debunking 3 Myths About Granite Countertops

5 September 2018
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Whether you are replacing old countertops in your bathroom or kitchen or you are building a home from the ground up, choosing the right countertop material can be an overwhelming process. Today, granite seems to be the most popular option, but there are some people who are leery of this natural stone material. By learning the truth behind a few common myths, you will learn if granite is the right material for you. Read More …